Get Event Updates on your Amazon® Alexa® devices!

Install the skill!
(Requires the Alexa mobile app. Download it for free for iOS or Android.)

What You Can Do

Note: server can be either one of "Worldwide," "English," "EN," "Japanese" or "JP."

Start the Skill
"Alexa, launch Event Bot" (or "Alexa, ask Event Bot…")
Find out the latest updates/changes to this skill
"Alexa, what's new? (or check the "What's New" button in the nav bar)
Is the Server Online?
"Alexa, is the server server online?"
Get Server Time
"Alexa, what time is it on the server server?"
Get Event Info
"Alexa, is there an event on the server server?" (or "Alexa, tell me about the event on the server server.")
Get Event Time Remaining
"Alexa, how much time is left in the server event?"
Get All Tier Cutoffs
"Alexa, what are the current_or_predicted   points_or_score cutoffs on the server server?"
Get Specific Tier Cutoff
"Alexa, what is the current_or_predicted   points_or_score Tier number cutoff on the server server?"

This service is provided free of charge. If you like what you see and want to help out, a donation is greatly appreciated.

Found a bug? Or got a suggestion for a new feature? contact me!